The development of alternative energy sources will be discussed

    • The development of alternative energy sources will be discussed

      Do alternative energy sources save you from energy dependence? To what extent is it effectively used and developed? An international meeting will be held on December 23 at the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University to seek answers to these and other questions.

      Domestic and foreign scientists will take part in the online meeting on «Innovative development of education, science-intensive production and alternative energy sources».

      The conference is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Ainagul Ershina.

      The conference will be held in the areas of «GREEN ENERGY – future energy sources», «XXI century: science, society, ecology» and «Modern education: today and tomorrow».

      Conference proceedings will be published in the form of an electronic collection.

      Submitted articles must be sent to by December 10, 2020.

      The opening of the conference will take place on December 23 at 10:00 on the Zoom platform.

      Identification number: 238 141 9939.

      Code: 1111.

      Responsible persons and contact numbers:

      Section 1: Nurai Baitursyn. Tel.: +77086670039;

      Section 2: Laura Baikadamova. Tel.: +77072227909;

      Section 3: Nazira Sandibaeva. Tel.: +77757518654.

      It's worth noting that Ainagul Ershina graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University in 1971 with honors. She graduated from the Kazakh State University named after Kirov.

      А. Ershina has been studying wind turbines since 1995.

      She has published more than 100 scientific papers.

      Press and Public Relations Department
