Rector Gulmira Kanai urged freshmen to be honest

    • Rector Gulmira Kanai urged freshmen to be honest

      Chairman of the Board - Rector of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University Gulmira Kanai told first-year students what academic honesty is. The head of the forge of pedagogical staff spoke to future teachers about moral norms, principles and values that determine the behavior of everyone. She also explained in detail the principles of truth, trust, respect, fairness and responsibility, which will help them to make moral and ethical decisions in their work in the future.


      The audience listened attentively to the rector's introductory lecture. Gulmira Kanai told what it is to be a teacher and what teaching is. The 1st year students realized that they are not only teachers who transmit knowledge, but also - transformers, the one who will teach the child to think independently, make decisions and take responsibility for their own lives.                                                                                       


       There was also a conversation about the safety rules, structure and internal order, culture that students will have to abide by while studying at the university. The freshmen were also introduced to the vice-rectors of the institution. As a result, all 1st year students were in favor of preserving and strengthening the culture of the women's university. It should be noted that rector Gulmira Kanai will give lectures during 1 week to all 3 thousand students of the first year of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.


