There will be a conference on national education

    • There will be a conference on national education

      «Problems of spiritual and moral education of the younger generation in modern schools». The republican scientific-practical conference under this name is organized by the Higher School of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.

      At the online meeting, well-known teachers and education specialists of the country will exchange views and share their views on the promotion of national education and its continuous application in everyday life.

      The conference will be held in the areas of «Theoretical and methodological bases and current issues of spiritual and moral education of the individual», «Integration of the subject» Self-knowledge «into the whole pedagogical process of educational organizations» and «Innovative approaches to family education».

      The meeting, organized on the Zoom platform, will be attended by employees of Kazakhstani research organizations, teachers of pedagogical universities, undergraduates and doctoral students.

      According to the organizers, the collection of materials received at the conference will be published in electronic form.

      You can download the information letter of the republican conference «Problems of spiritual and moral education of the younger generation in modern schools» here.

      Press and Public Relations Department
