Republican Discipline Olympiad of students of higher educational institutions under the educational program 6B03205 - "Library Information Systems" ("Library Business")

    • Republican Discipline Olympiad of students of higher educational institutions under the educational program 6B03205 -

      On April 19-20, 2023, "Al-Farabi Kazakh National University" held the 15th Republican Discipline Olympiad of students of higher educational institutions under the educational program 6B03205 - "Library Information Systems" ("Library Business"). "Smart Girls" team of the Kazakh National Girls' Pedagogical University took 2nd place.

      The goal of the Olympiad is to reveal the creative abilities of students, to select and support talented and gifted students, to support the formation of students' intellectual potential, to involve students in solving modern scientific problems, and to develop interest in scientific activities.

      6B03205 - Student Subject Olympiad under the educational program "Library Information Systems" ("Library Business") was held in the form of a team competition in the III round.

      I round. The team greeting was done as homework. In the task, the specialty, which includes orientation, meaning, features, was introduced to practical work in the field of library, creative departments.

      II round. Question-and-answer competition of teams on situational and visual subjects of the specialty "Library information systems" ("Library work"). (Each team was given 1 (one) situational and 2 (two) questions).

      III round. Creation and protection of a scientific project related to library activities.

      - "Everything is in our hands" library development;

      - In digital knowledge space: competences of library specialists.

      Kazakh National Girls' Pedagogical University (Almaty) "Smart Girls" team:

      1. Omarova Riza Yerkinovna

      3. Sultanova Dilfuza Bakhtiyarovna

      4. Daulet Dilnaz Kenesbekovyna

      5. Pernebek Dana Ramazankovyna

      Supervisor: master teacher Bektemir Aknur Abibullakovna
