Guest lecture by professor at the Complutense University of Madrid

    • Guest lecture by professor at the Complutense University of Madrid

      On February 1, an open guest lecture by Professor Maria Asuncion Lopez Varela Azcarate from the Complutense University of Madrid was held at the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.

      Professor of the Complutense University Lopez Varela Asuncion is currently the editor of a scientific journal, a leading expert of the European Union, as well as the project director of the Japanese fund «Eurasia Foundation (from Asia)» at her university, within which «The One Asia Community in Cross-Cultural Dialogue with Europe» courses are held annually.

      The professor's lecture was conducted in an online format on the topic of «Mez Breeze’s Ecofeminist interventions», which was attended by more than 100 students of our university. Ecofeminism is a phenomenon that is increasingly being talked about in modern society in connection with the current climate situation, the struggle for women's rights around the world and even the activities of the Australian-based artist and poet Mez Breeze. Based on her work, students learned about the new online- language «Mezangelle», which is an attempt to combine English, poetic conventions, program code, modern social reflections and online communiques. The professor also cited many examples of neo-materialistic studies of Spinoza, Deleuze and Latour, Jane Bennett’s Vibrant Matter, which prove that man is ultimately inseparable from the «environment».

      During the lecture, the students showed great interest in electronic art and integrated approach to solving the problems of modern society. The Institute of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts expresses its gratitude to the guest lecture of the professor, which was held at a high professional level and was informative for our students.
