Celebration of Independence Day!

    • Celebration of Independence Day!

      Today by the students of the 1st year 106, 107 groups of Chemistry Education Program of the Institute of Natural Sciences organized party dedicated to the Independence Day. The festive event opened with the song ''Elim menin" and continued with the music of the Kazakh songs. 1-minute break was announced at the educational event in memory of the victims of the December Uprising. The theatrical performance of the students about the December Uprising made the audience think and bring tears to their eyes.

      The presenters of the event shared secrets from the history of Independence and introduced the annals of our achievements over 30 years. At the same time, our students, who were immersed in the world of poetry, recited the stanzas of their poems about Independence and were applauded.

      The festive event, which ended with the passionate song of the students, ignited the patriotism in the hearts of the audience towards their country and land.

      We wish all Kazakhstanis that the foundation of our independence is high, the hope of our people is high, and our sovereignty is glorious!
