Department of monitoring of scientific publications
Goal: the implementation of a unified policy on the preparation and publication of scientific publications.
- improving the quality of scientific publications of the University, compliance by the teaching staff, administrative and managerial personnel and students with regulatory requirements for the content and printing execution of scientific publications (monographs, scientific articles, conference collections, etc.);
- timely preparation and publication of scientific publications of teaching staff and students according to annual plans;
- monitoring and analysis of the publication activity of teaching staff and students, including in publications indexed by Scopus, Web of Science databases;
- protection of intellectual property rights of the University and its employees.
- сonsulting and training of the teaching staff and students on the preparation of scientific publications: articles, monographs, scientific and methodological, educational, educational and methodical literature.
- assistance to the teaching staff in the preparation of scientific papers for publications indexed by Scopus, Web of Science.
- quality control of scientific publications of the University for academic integrity, absence of plagiarism, compliance with intellectual property rights of the university and its employees.
- review of the manuscripts of the teaching staff monographs for compliance with the requirements of the Regulations on the preparation of monographs.
- publication of the journal "Bulletin of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University".