The Institute of Philology administers TOEFL ITP exams

    • The Institute of Philology administers TOEFL ITP exams

      The Institute of Philology of Kazakh National Teacher Training University holds TOEFL ITP exams.

      The tests consist of three parts: Listening;  Structure and Written Expression; Reading.

      TOEFL ITP test dates: 02/15/2025; 03/14/2025; 04/19/2025.

      Cost: 30,000 tenge; 26,000 tenge (for employees of QyzPU).

      Address: Almaty, Gogol Street 114, Building 1, Off. 208.

      Contacts: tel: 8 (7272) 37 00 86 (ext. 45-13)

      We invite all interested individuals to register!
