• SUMMER SCHOOL-2024

      SUMMER SCHOOL-2024  ITE modernization Summer School-2024 On June 10, 2024, a summer school for teachers of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University starts on the implementation of the project “Modernization of secondary education” Scaling projects of the World Bank and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      The aim of the summer school is to prepare the University's teaching staff for the introduction and implementation of innovative programs and a new model of teacher education

      Training schedule:  Training is 72 hours, over two weeks.

      • Week 1-full-time
      • Week 2-Online,  guided by a Cathedral Coach

      Conditions for completing school and obtaining certificates:

      • at least 80% of full-time attendance
      • for teaching staff: developed syllabus on the discipline, passed the feedback procedure
      • for program leaders: developed strategic plan for the development of the educational program

      Training takes place in three streams:

      • Stream 1 – 10.06.2024 – 21.06.2024
      • Stream 2 – 17.06.2024 – 28.06.2024
      • Stream 3 – 24.06.2024 – 05.07.2024

      Registration link:

      Training Plan



      Topic of the training day

      Full-time week

      Day 1


      Stream 1: 10.06.2024


      Stream 2: 17.06.2024


      Stream 3: 24.06.2024

      Innovative educational programs. Design principles, project history. 

      Day 2


      Stream 1: 11.06.2024


      Stream 2: 18.06.2024


      Stream 3: 25.06.2024 Student-

      Oriented learning at the syllabus level. Research-based Education

      Day 3


      Stream 1: 12.06.2024


      Stream 2: 17.06.2024


      Stream 3: 26.06.2024

      CLIL/STEAM technologies in training

      Day 4


      Stream 1: 13.06.2024


      Stream 2: 20.06.2024


      Stream 3: 27.06.2024

      Leadership in Education. Roadmap for changes

      Day 5


      Stream 1: 14.06.2024


      Stream 2: 21.06.2024


      Stream 3: 28.06.2024

      Inclusivity in modern higher education. 

      Online week

      Day 1, Day 2


      Stream 1: 17-18. 06. 2024


      Stream 2: 24-25. 06. 2024


      Stream 3: 01-02. 07. 2024

      Finalizing syllabuses and strategies for developing educational programs

      Day 3


      Stream 1: 19.06.2024


      Stream 2: 26.06.2024


      Stream 3: 03.07.2024

      Presentation of interim results and receiving feedback from colleagues

      Day 4


      Stream 1: 20.06.2024


      Stream 2: 27.06.2024


      Stream 3: 04.07.2024

      Revision of draft syllabuses and strategic development plans of the OP based on feedback results

      Day 5


      Stream 1: 21.06.2024


      Stream 2: 28.06.2024


      Stream 3: 05.07.2024

      Presentation of final results, presentation of certificates
