We invite you to take the TOEFL ITP exam

    • We invite you to take the TOEFL ITP exam

      We invite everyone (applicants to master's and doctoral studies; teachers of secondary schools, teachers of colleges and universities) to take an exam based on the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University.

      Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University has been accredited and received a Certificate from the International Company "ETS Global" for taking the international TOEFL ITP exam.

      TOEFL ITP is an international English language test developed by the Educational Testing Service (ETS).

      The TOEFL ITP test consists of:

      - Listening Comprehension

      - Structure and written expression

      - Reading Comprehensions


      To take the test, you will need:

      - copy of the identity card;

      - Receipt of payment.

      Contacts: Almaty, st. Gogol 114, room. 208, 225. Mobile phones: +7 7051466699; +7 775 484 00 32
