Invitation to the TOEFL ITP test

    • Invitation to the TOEFL ITP test


      Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University (QуzPU) invites you to take the TOEFL ITP test on 3 March 2023 at 10:00 in the Institute of Philology.

      The certificate is valid for 2 years. The certificate is suitable for participants in the Bolashak program, for master's and doctoral studies.

      Additional questions: 87017606065 (Batima Aitzhanova), extension 45-25. The cost of passing the test is 40,000 (forty thousand) tenge. By making a payment through the bank's mobile application, you must write "TOEFL ITP exam".

      NAO "Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University"

      114 Gogol str., 050000 Almaty

      BIN 990240005438

      IIC KZ128562203125036057

      JSC "Bank CenterCredit" branch in Almaty

      050000 Almaty, Almalinsky district, 98 Panfilova str.


      Kbe 16
