World Science Day

    • World Science Day

      ALMATY. November 10. Press center – Dear scientists! We congratulate you on the World Science Day.

      The present and future of any country is directly related to scientific activities. In the 21st century, science and innovation have become the driving force behind the development of mankind. Science is a national resource, a guarantee of the future of our Republic.

      Achievement of scientific heights is possible, first of all, thanks to you, dear colleagues. We are sincerely glad for every success that moves science forward and opens up new perspectives for our young scientists.

      Let there be no boundaries in your scientific activity, and let it give you professional satisfaction.

      On this holiday, we wish our scientists, researchers and university professors, who by their work contribute to the development of Kazakhstani science and professional education, great prospects, new discoveries for the benefit of society, the embodiment of the most daring ideas and breakthrough projects!

      Department of marketing and communications

      Contact number: +7 727 237 00 05

