«Question to the rector»: Gulmira Qanay will hold an online meeting with students

    • «Question to the rector»: Gulmira Qanay will hold an online meeting with students

      ALMATY. August 23. Press center – In what kind of format there will be organized a new academic year for students? What changes are there expected in 2021-2022? Is the vaccine mandatory for students? In order to get answers to these and other questions, on August 27 at 3 pm, the Chairman of the Board – Rector of the University Gulmira Qanay will hold an online meeting with students.

      The broadcast will be organized on the official page of university on Instagram @qyzdar_yniversiteti.

      You can send the questions and suggestions in advance under this entry or via a personal message.

      Any question asked to the head of the university will not be ignored.

      Press and Public Relations Department

      Contact phone: +7 727 237 00 07

      e-mail: kyzdaruniversity_press@gmail.com
