The rector of the University took part in the panel session of the August Council

    • The rector of the University took part in the panel session of the August Council

       ALMATY. August 12. Press center – Chairman of the Board – Rector of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University Gulmira Qanay took part in the panel session «Professional skills and continuous professional development of teachers» within the framework of the August conference of teachers.

      The event organized at the site of the NCPC «Orleu» was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science, rectors of higher educational institutions, heads of regional education departments of the cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent, directors of branches of JSC NCPC «Orleu», representatives of the CPM AOO «NIS».

      During the meeting, the expert of the European Education Foundation Julian Stanley introduced the results of modern scientific research on the best approaches to the professional development of a teacher. Also at the meeting, Gulmira Qanay, Elaine Sharlin, Alina Ibrasheva and other experts discussed the challenges and proposals for the continuous professional development of a teacher.

      Other speakers of the breakout session in their reports told about the trajectories and opportunities of professional development of a university teacher, about the features of professional development paths covering all levels of preschool and higher education, about the directions, forms and methods of professional development of teachers. The experts also shared their school experience in creating conditions for the professional growth of teachers, told about a set of measures aimed at improving the level of professional competence of college teachers.

      We concretized various methods of revealing the path of professional growth of both a young teacher and a teacher.

      At the end of the meeting at the suggestion of the moderator, professor of the School of Higher Education of Nazarbayev University Duishon Shamatov, answers were given to questions received from participants and viewers of the Live broadcast of YouTube and the official page of the NCPC «Orleu» on Facebook. 

      Press and Public Relations Department

      Contact phone: +7 727 237 00 07

