The August meeting of teachers is taking place

    • The August meeting of teachers is taking place

      ALMATY. August 12. Press center –  August meeting of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The event under the general theme «Methodological support for teacher practice» will last until August 17.

      As part of the traditional gathering, teachers of AEO «Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools», leading and pilot schools will hold webinars, master classes and presentations in an online format. Expert opinions of international experts will also be presented.

      During the August meeting, the National Academy of Education named after I. Altynsarin will present its proposals on the organization of the educational process in the new academic year.


      The following topics will be considered during the conference:

      - The ways of forming functional literacy among students in the educational process;

      - The problems of safety and well-being of students in the school community;

      - Format and content of the current and final assessment features of the educational process in the post-COVID period, the importance of digitalization of the education sector;

      - The possibilities of artificial intelligence in education;

      - The peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in the new academic year.


      The broadcast is carried out on the following YouTube channel:

      Press and Public Relations Department

      Contact phone: +7 727 237 00 07

