Women's University leads the way

    • Women's University leads the way

       ALMATY. August 12. Press center – The Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University became the best in terms of activity in the media and social networks and took the first place in the rating of Kazakhstani universities.

      The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan conducted the monitoring.

      State, industry and private universities participated in the rating.

      It should be noted that the Women's University has always been in the lead in the rankings, which were carried out on this side before.

      During the examination special attention was paid to the number of image materials published on the official pages of the institution in social networks and in the media.

      Monitoring will be conducted every two weeks and the results will be announced at a meeting in the department.

      We thank the Ministry of Education and Science, which evaluates and supports the information and image policy of the University at the appropriate level - the purpose - all-round information about the ongoing work in the field of education and science, improving the image of the institution in society. Our mission - always to be in the forefront in the ratings on this side. In the direction of increasing the prestige of the educational institution we always pay great attention to quality, said Zhandar Asan, head of the press and Public Relations Department of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.

      Press and Public Relations Department

      Contact phone: +7 727 237 00 07

      e-mail: kyzdaruniversity_press@gmail.com 
