Doctoral studies at Women's University

    • Doctoral studies at Women's University

       ALMATY. June 16. Press center – The Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University trains specialists in 14 doctoral programs.

      Quality education, basic research, mastering of modern skills, internships in leading universities of the world, scientific career.

      Doctoral studies at Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University are an opportunity to become a qualified specialist.

      A bright future begins with us!



      8D01701 – Kazakh language and literature

      8D01704 – Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction

      8D02301 – Philology

      8D01702 – Russian language and literature

      8D01705 – Russian language and literature at schools with non-Russian language of instruction

      8D01504 – Biology

      8D01506 – Geography

      8D01503 – Chemistry

      8D05301 – Chemistry

      8D01501 – Physics

      8D01502 – Informatics

      8D01505 – Mathematics

      8D05302 – Physics

      8D01703 – Foreign language: two foreign languages

      Press and Public Relations Department

      Contact phone: +7 727 237 00 07

