How to repay the grant?

    • How to repay the grant?

      NUR-SULTAN. February 2. Press center – Grant graduates can work in private organizations in their field of study without any obstacles. This was announced by Minister of Education and Science Askhat Aimagambetov.

      «Conditions for repaying grants for students enrolled through state grants have been simplified. Now graduates can work not only in public institutions, but also in private organizations and repay their grants. The main condition is to work in the field of training (specialty)», the Minister explained on his social network page.

      According to him, this issue was often raised by graduates. The new norm will also help to solve the staffing problem in various organizations.

      It will also expand employment opportunities for graduates.

      «For example, a student graduated from a pharmaceutical school with a rural quota. Then he had to go to the village and work in a state organization in his specialty. What if there is no state pharmacy in the village? Obviously, the graduate is in a difficult situation. Therefore, this issue has been resolved. Currently, public-private partnerships are developing and the state order is placed in private kindergartens, schools and hospitals. From now on, graduates of the grant will be able to work in private organizations without any obstacles in their field of training», Askhat Aimagambetov said.

      Press and Public Relations Department

      Contact phone: +7 727 237 00 07

