A young QYZPU scientist aims to transform the education system through AI

    • A young QYZPU scientist aims to transform the education system through AI

      Parasat Tazabekova, a senior lecturer at the Department of Informatics at the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, aims to transform the education system through artificial intelligence.  The postdoctoral researcher has identified 10 generative systems that are more suitable in teaching.

      According to Tazabekova, the use of generative systems based on AI are finding new vectors of application, integrating with advanced technologies. And this can become a new approach to teaching digital technologies in the education system. The postdoctoral researcher is actively working on the implementation of this idea in the educational process, and has already managed to share her findings with her colleagues.


      Together with academic programme developers, Parasat Tazabekova organised a hands-on workshop detailing the power of AI and how it can be used to transform the education system.

      She presented to her colleagues the ways in which AI can make learning more effective, personalised and accessible to all students.


      At the workshop, Tazabekova introduced teachers to the theory of using AI in education and allowed them to try out new tools in practice. The participants were also introduced to a number of services such as GhatGPT, Bard, Notion AI and others that can be used to improve the learning process. Thus, the head teacher is actively working to transform the education system using AI.
