16 QYZPU students successfully completed their studies in Turkey

    • 16 QYZPU students successfully completed their studies in Turkey

      16 talented students of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University returned from Turkey, where they underwent a four-month academic mobility programme.

      The girls studied at two prestigious universities in Turkey: 13 of them at Ömer Halisdemir University in Niğde and the remaining three at Balıkesir University in Balıkesir.


      The academic mobility programme allowed students to deepen their knowledge, acquire new skills and get acquainted with the culture of the country. They also had the opportunity to socialise with international students and make new friends who may become their colleagues in the future.


      Despite the fact that the girls sincerely enjoyed their stay in Turkey, they were looking forward to returning home and meeting their family and friends. We would like to remind you that at the moment there are 8 more female students on this programme in Turkey.


      Students of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University stably leave on the programme of academic mobility abroad. Within the framework of the student exchange programme there are 8 students in China at Hubei University. Also in Lithuania at the University of Vilnius undergoes training master's student of the 2nd year in the speciality of foreign languages: two foreign languages Sulu Aralbaeva. The University is in constant contact with students abroad.

