How can a QYZPU student get an opportunity to go to study for 1-2 semesters in any university in Europe?

    • How can a QYZPU student get an opportunity to go to study for 1-2 semesters in any university in Europe?

      An important event for students, teachers of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University was the visit of Laura Paluanova, coordinator of the Erasmus+ national office in Kazakhstan, as well as Dana Abdrasheva, member of the national team of experts on reforming higher education, and Neil Marshall, Director of Development of the Change School in the UK.

      The purpose of their visit was to familiarize students, graduate students, teachers and directors of the institute with the opportunities offered by the European Erasmus+ program. This program, aimed at supporting projects and cooperation between universities, promotes academic mobility and the development of joint educational research projects. For students it opens the door to the world of knowledge, opportunities and new horizons. During the meeting they talked about the main conditions for receiving a grant, rules of participation in the program.


      По программе Erasmus+ студенты имеют возможность учиться в университетах Европы, погружаясь в новые культуры и образовательные практики. Помимо этого, программа также предоставляет шанс преподавателям и исследователям участвовать в международных проектах, обмениваться опытом и внедрять передовые методики обучения.                                                                                                                                                      

      Through the Erasmus+ program, students have the opportunity to study at universities in Europe, immersing themselves in new cultures and educational practices. In addition, the program also provides a chance for teachers and researchers to participate in international projects, exchange experiences and implement advanced teaching methods.

      Erasmus+ makes education global. Students taking part in the program broaden their horizons and develop intercultural understanding, which is important in today's increasingly globalized world. It also offers students exceptional opportunities for personal and professional growth.

      In addition, Erasmus+ contributes to improving the quality of education in partner universities. The exchange of experience and best practices allows universities to improve their educational programs, make them more relevant and competitive in the global education market.


