Master class on the topic "History of games and game technology"

    • Master class on the topic

      In order to employ students of our University during the summer holidays as Сounselors, as well as to popularize the activities of children's country health camps, on May 16, 2023 was held a master class on the topic "History of games and game technology" in the Parasat conference hall from the Educational and Methodological Department Children's active recreation center "Tau-Zhanashar".

      The director of the summer camp "Tau-Zhanashar" Kudabayeva Mira Yerlanovna in her speech emphasized the importance of pedagogical skills and the ability to take responsibility for the safety of the health and life of the child, also importance of the development in the specialty.

      During the master class, the methodologist of the summer camp "Tau-Zhanashar" Eremina Marina Evgenievna shared her experience and techniques of games with students, and the camp counselors demonstrated game technology.

      The students learned the methods of counselor skills in practice in small and large groups.
